Pammy Blogs Beauty: My Daily Self-Care Routine: Staying Fresh and Clean All Day: Plus Sweepstakes!

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Daily Self-Care Routine: Staying Fresh and Clean All Day: Plus Sweepstakes!

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With the warm weather of summer upon us, having a stay-fresh beauty routine is a must! I must admit, I really do want to stay fresh and feel clean throughout the day and I take steps to achieve this little daily goal for myself. So, I am super excited to be partnering with Monistat®, a brand that I have used and trusted for years, to share my daily self-care routine for staying and feeling fresh all day! When I feel fresh and clean, I feel more confident and better about myself overall. It is that simple and so easy to take a few extra steps during the day to feel fresh and boost my confidence and mood.

My stay-fresh, self-care routine is not just about getting clean in the morning! It is about getting clean and staying fresh throughout the whole day!

I am a busy Mom-on-the-go. I don't have a ton of time to get ready in the morning and I certainly do not want to be fussing with a complicated routine throughout the day to stay fresh. With that said, I certainly do not want to end up being stinky either! My activities keep me on the move, from neighborhood walks, to play dates, park time, back yard fun, mall trips, and swim lessons, this list just goes on. I am certainly active and often sweating in this GA heat as I keep up with my 1-year old and 3-year old! So, my stay-fresh routine focuses on starting out my day clean and maintaining that feeling throughout the day.

My Self-Care Stay-Fresh Routine:

Morning Shower: No matter what, I have a shower in the morning. Quite simply: It wakes me up and gets me clean. I don't always wash my hair, but I always shower. So, on non-hair-wash days, my hair goes up and under a shower cap while I wash my body. While in the shower I start with washing my hair if it is a hair wash day. That way my conditioner can sit on my hair for as long as I shower to keep my hair in shape. Then I proceed to use bar soap to wash all over. Next, I rinse the conditioner from my hair. Then I shave my legs. Next, I wash my face. Last of all, I use a body pouf and scented shower gel to give my body one last wash (this also removes any conditioner residue from my body).

Post-Shower Essentials:
After drying off, I apply a few products to keep my body smelling great and feeling fresh. I apply lotion all over and lotion with SPF to arms, legs, and exposed areas for sun protection. Sometimes I add a bit of powder if I am feeling like it is a super hot day and that I need extra freshness. Next, I spray a fragrance to wrists, neck, and torso. Oh, and of course, we can't forget antiperspirant/deodorant! That is certainly an essential! After getting dressed, I often spray a fragrance mist/body splash all over to layer scent.

Freshness On-The-Go and Throughout the Day: 
My freshness routine does not end in the morning or in the bathroom at home! I always carry a small bottle of fragrance mist/body splash with me for freshening up throughout the day. Also, items like anti-bacterial hand gel (for my hands) and baby wipes (to use anywhere) can certainly keep you clean on-the-go. I keep my makeup looking and feeling fresh during the day by blotting with blotting papers. The slim packs of blotting papers are super easy to toss into your purse and carry with you. If I am swimming or exercising, I always carry antiperspirant/deodorant with me, too! I tend to like the spray kind for on-the-go. Also, if swimming, I like to apply a scented body lotion too after drying off and getting re-dressed (chlorine is so drying!).

End of Day:
My evening freshness routine depends on how fresh I stayed throughout the day. If it was a day of exercise, gardening, or swimming, an evening shower or bath is a must (even if it is a "quick rinse" just to get me clean). On other days, that I have maintained my freshness well, I just wash my face in the evenings. What can I say, I really do like climbing into bed for the evening feeling clean and fresh!
Looking to add to your daily self-care routine? Monistat® has some great options like their new
Stay Fresh Gel from the new Monistat® Complete Care™ line.

About the Monistat® Complete Care™ line: 
Monistat® now offers products beyond yeast infection treatment with the Complete Care™ line. If you experience feminine odor, don’t worry you are not alone. 1 in 3 women experience occasional vaginal odor. Monistat Stay Fresh Gel helps eliminate feminine odor to restore feminine freshness for 3 days, unlike some other feminine odor products. Also, it helps maintain vaginal pH. Plus, it is fragrance-free and paraben-free.

Get Your Coupon!
Ready to try Stay Fresh Gel from Monistat® Complete Care™? Get your coupon here!

Monistat® wants to help you take control of your feminine health. Tell us about the way in which you take control and care of your body for a chance to win a $100 VISA gift card plus a full size sample of Stay Fresh Gel from Monistat® Complete Care™.” Each comment will automatically be entered for a chance to win. (Please include your email address so that BlogHer can contact you if you win). Here are the official rules

I have received product from Monistat® and was compensated to write this review.


Entry Instructions:

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1. Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

2. Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post

3. Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post

4. Read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older (or nineteen (19) years of age or older in Alabama and Nebraska). Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. The notification email will come directly from BlogHer via the sweeps@blogher email address. You will have 2 business days to respond; otherwise a new winner will be selected. If your comment relates to or describes any product or your experience with the product, do not describe or recommend any use of the product that is not recommended on the product’s packaging or labeling, such comments will be deleted.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 6/22/2015 – 7/22/2015

Be sure to visit the Monistat® brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ posts!


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Rebecca B said...

I absolutely have to have the morning shower even if I'm not going to do a darn thing that day. It's more important than any dose of caffeine could be for me.

porschepuppy said...

One way I take control and care of my body is to destress twice a day by taking alone time with no phone calls and do relaxation exercises for 15 minutes.

evie said...

i like to take a morning shower, but if i know i am going to be rushed i will take a shower b4 i go to bed and let my hair dry overnite. i have very long hair and it takes a long time to dry. plus in the morning i am very rushed with feeding and taking care of 3 dogs. i do wash my face as soon as i get home. i also carry baby wipes in my car if i get sweaty. i love baby powder. i use a lot, i even put it on my face after my makeup to keep me from sweating and make me feel cool.

evie said...

Anonymous said...

I've never felt un-fresh down there before, but I guess this gel can be great for girls who do.

Natalie said...

I take control and care of my body by exercising every day, eating healthy meals filled with fruits and veggies and getting plenty of sleep. yarbr012 at gmail dot com

Natalie said...

Elena said...

I take care of my body by taking vitamins daily and eating healthy

Elena said...

JewelWood said...

I take control and care of my body by making sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise every day, drink plenty of water, and I do yoga which really helps me stay balanced!


JewelWood said...



kellyr78 said...

I take control and care of my body by taking vitamins, getting exercise and eating healthy.


kellyr78 said...



kellyr78 said...



steve weber said...

I watch what I eat and I make sure to get plenty of sleep

steve weber said...


Mami2jcn said...

I take vitamins.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...


SoJez said...

I always shower in the morning. It helps me ease the joint pain that plagues me every morning while waking me up. And I always shower at night because I like to sleep feeling as fresh as possible. I do need to moisturizer more. As I'm getting older my skin is getting funny and often feels so dry.

erika said...

I just turned 30, and I'm suddenly finding wrinkles and achy joints. So I'm trying to take better care with good face cream and keeping my feet up at night.


Unknown said...

I take care of myself by eating well, lots of walking and water.

Unknown said...

my tweet

Rusthawk said...

Being conscientious about my overall health, including my dietary intake and getting enough sleep and exercise, is how I take care of myself.

Rusthawk said...

Linnie said...

I take control and care of my body by carefully watching my diet for sodium, sugar, and goitrogenic content, and by exercising every day that I can.

Linnie said...

Linnie said...

I take care and control of my body by carefully watching the sodium, sugar, and goitrogenic content of my diet, and by exercising every day that I can.

forgot to add this to my earlier comment:

amybelle2001 at gmail dot com

Andrea Darst said...

I take control and care for my body by doing yoga once a week! I love the feeling of relaxing and knowing I'm doing something good for my body and mind!

Andrea Darst said...

I tweeted:

stOOpidgErL said...

I eat healthy most of the time and drink a lot of water. I know I need to start working out too.

JC said...

I excise daily and eat healthy to take care of my body.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...


mkjmc said...

I take time to slow down an dmeditate

mkjmc said...

Anonymous said...

I try to exercise while watching TV shows or movies, rather than sitting there.
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Tweet link:
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail [dot] com

Tina said...

I take control and care of my body by drinking a lot of water, eating healthy food and no soda!

Tina said...

One Frugal Girl said...

onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com

One Frugal Girl said...

I try to get a little fresh air and sunshine every day. Whether it's sitting in the swing with my baby or walking to the playground with my three year old. I try to get outside and move my body at the same time.

onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com

rachel said...

I try to stay hydrated -- great for your skin!

Barbara Montag said...

I take control and care of my body with good daily hygiene, walking and trying to eat clean.
thank you

Barbara Montag said...


latanya t said...

by exercising and eating healthy

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

dlatany at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

I take control and care of my body by having yearly checkups drinking a lot of water, eating a healthy diet and walking a lot.

s2s2 at cox dot net

susan1215 said...

s2s2 at cox dot net

Unknown said...

I take control and care of my body by eating lots of natural and healthy foods,keeping myself happy and calm and getting exercise daily.

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Tracey said...

I get daily exercise, eat healthy and take time for myself to relax.

Melinda said...

We try to reserve wknds for family time, and work only on week days. Not bringing work home, helps us stay balanced

Melinda said...


Anonymous said...

I try to take care of my body by eating right and drinking lots of water and getting in my exercise!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted

Unknown said...

I take control by maintaining a regular exercise routine.

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...


wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

peg42 said...

I try to drink lots of water and eat fruit and veggies often. Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

I reduced my intake of soft drinks, juices, and sports drinks that are full of sugar, and opt for water, milk and healthier options instead.

Anonymous said...

nickieisis3 said...

I take vitamins and workout

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I exercise every day and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I also try to get enough sleep.

wigget said...

trying to curb my midnight snacking

Kerry said...

I try to take time out during the day to go for a walk - helps with stress and gets me some exercise!

Kerry said...


thisisliferemix said...

I take care of my body by working out and eating healthy. My email is thisisliferemix at gmail dot com

thisisliferemix said...

tweeted my email address is thisisliferemix at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

drink water, eat organic and healthy!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Stephanie said...

drink water, eat organic and healthy!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I take control by taking care to eat well and get plenty of sleep.

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...


eswright18 at gmail dot com

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I love to keep active by working out. It gives me energy and makes me feel better.
Brittney House

Unknown said...

I tweeted here-

Unknown said...

I started a low carb diet in January and have since shrunken 5 pants sizes!

Anastasia said...

I take care and control by getting some exercise and taking my vitamins! :)

Anastasia said...

Tweeted :) -

Unknown said...

I take control and care of my body by making sure I stay healthy by eating right and exercising.

kjasus said...

i take car of myself by walking everyday

kjasus said...

Unknown said...

i take control of my body by using the treadmill most days
stigay at

Michelle said...

I eat well and go to the gym regularly

msrodeobrat said...

I take control by eating healthy and working out!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C

Aleksandra Nearing said...

I find time to try to exercise regularly. It is time I need to decompress and stay healthy.

aleksnearing gmail com

Meet the Browns said...

Moisturize moisturize moisturize!

showbizkp at gmail dot com

mickeyfan said...

I had to get over my shyness and ask the dr the tough questions.

d schmidt said...

I take control by watching what I eat, ensuring I have some time for myself and exercising.

d schmidt said...


Denise S. said...

I try to eat lots of vegetables.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Amy said...

I take care of my body by eating healthy and getting enough rest.

amy [at] utry [dot] it

Amy said...


amy [at] utry [dot] it

Henria O. said...

I take control and take care of my body by making sure I take my vitamins, drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

cmd said...

I take control of my health by choosing organic foods.

cmd said...

Tweet -

Unknown said...

A nice long walk every day helps along with a healthy diet and plenty of water.

Unknown said...

I took control of my health by quitting sugar and eating whole foods

Karen said...

A daily morning shower is a must for me :)

ms-texas said...

i take control of my body with good daily hygiene, healthier eating habits and exercise

debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

ms-texas said...

i posted a tweet here:

debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I take control and care of my body by eating well, exercising and getting plenty of rest.

samdaleo said...

I try to take control of my body by drinking a lot of water, walking daily, eating small amounts, far as the lady bits and cleanliness goes, I take daily showers and I like to wipe with wet wipes instead of traditional toilet paper, always. Sounds silly but leaves me much cleaner than before.

Samantha (samdaleo)

samdaleo said...


Samantha (samdaleo)

cowboyswife said...

I took control of my body by stop drinking soda and replacing it with water.

smilekisses said...

I try to eat right and I also bike ride with the family.

smilekisses said...

Hotsnotty2 said...

I take control and care of my body by drinking a lot of water and going to the gym at least three times a week!

Hotsnotty2 said...

vranab said...

I exercise

laroyal said...

I exercise daily and eat a balanced diet.

laroyal said...


sarah050 said...

I take control by drinking lots of water, eating good foods, taking daily vitamins and exercising!

clc408 said...

I start the day with a warm shower, eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise daily.

clc408 said...


Erica C. said...

I exercise daily.

jtwark said...

I take care of my body through nutrition


Unknown said...

I take care of myself by drinking water (neither alcohol nor soda), eating fresh vegetables everyday and avoiding sun.

Unknown said...

My tweet

Anonymous said...

Linda said...

I take control by eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise.

April said...

I take control by eating healthy (for the most part!), taking supplements when I don't and exercising regularly.

Unknown said...

I take a shower every morning.


Unknown said...



brendaelsner said...

I have been eating healthier and exercising more.

brat52101 at yahoo dot com

Julieh said...

I take control of my body bt eating healthy and exercising
Honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Julieh said...
Honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

saturdaynightfever said...

I try to stay away from processed sugars.

Jackie Burns said...

I take control and care for my body by drinking water, eating healthy, exercising, and working w/ a wholistic practitioner to avoid traditional medical care.

SexyBrat said...

We eat healthy and exercise.

Lisa V. said...

I try to eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, taken cranberry supplements and other vitamins such as iron which target more of a woman's needs.

Ceecjjj said...

I take control by getting lots of exercise, eat fresh vegetables and drink lots of water!

Lisa said...

I try to eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise.


bev said...

I drink lots of water, take vitamins, walk when I can and try to eat healthy. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I take control and take care of myself by drinking only water. I cut out sodas at the beginning of the year, and I feel great!

Unknown said...

Leela said...

Homemade meals and staying active.

Betty C said...

I take control by eating a well balanced diet and getting plenty of sleep.

Betty C said...

Tweet -

susansmoaks said...

I exercise and eat healthy to take control and care for my body. I love to feel energetic and healthy!

Francine Anchondo said...

eating healthy and drinking water.

angie lilly said...

The absolute biggest way that I care for my body is to live a vegetarian lifestyle.
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com

Jerry Marquardt said...

I control my body by taking vitamins.

Jerry Marquardt said...

I publicly Tweeted this giveaway:

Erica best said...

i cook at home as much as i can and drink a ton of water

Erica best said...

i cook at home as much as i can and drink a ton of water

Erica best said...

Erica best said...

Anonymous said...

I have switched my dr pepper out for water.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I take care by not smoking, not drinking alcohol and watching my sugar level. I do not drink caffeinated coffee or tea.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

laurasloves said...

I take control and take care of my body by running 5 miles each evening.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

tina reynolds said...

I take control by being active every day

Tabathia B said...

I drink plenty of water

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

tina reynolds said...

Tabathia B said...


Kathryn C said...

#SweepstakesEntry-- comment

I take better care of my body/health by not consuming so much sugar


Kathryn C said...

my #SweepstakesEntry tweet:


Welcome to My World said...

Welcome to My World said...

I take control of my body and my health by ensuring I get a lot of sleep every night.

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