Pammy Blogs Beauty: Your Inner Beauty

Your Inner Beauty

Hello Beauties!

If you are reading this, then I want you to know that I think that *you* are beautiful!

While this blog focuses on outer-beauty such as makeup, fashion, and hair; I want my readers to know that my true passion and wish for you all is to *love yourself*!  Outer beauty truly is only skin-deep if you don't love yourself and reflect your beauty on the inside. Try to not only see that beauty in yourself, but to also see it in others around you. Yes, others see what is on the outside. Try to let your outer beauty project the beauty that is inside you.

What made me "fall in love" with makeup, is that it is transformative. It can make you feel better about yourself and let you feel more confident. But, don't let that be all that others see!

While I am a self-proclaimed "beauty and product junkie", I want you all to know that I try to not take this all too seriously! After all, it is lipgloss that I am writing about. Hence the phrase (and my "slogan") in my title banner: "Saving the world one lipgloss at a time, lol"! :) I am passionate about many things! But, will generally not post my "deep thoughts" here. I want this blog to be "light" and fun to read. Lets have fun with this girls!!! Lets be supportive of each other in this "beauty community".

Okay, I hope this didn't sound too cliche. But, I did want to address inner beauty as it is of the utmost importance! :) Be healthy and be kind. Please my beauties, love yourself and take care of yourself. On the inside and out!

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