Pammy Blogs Beauty: Julep Maven: Nail Polish box Giveaway, Review, and Discount Code!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Julep Maven: Nail Polish box Giveaway, Review, and Discount Code!

As you all know, I am a huge fan of Julep's monthly Maven box! So, when they approached me to become a Julep VIP Blogger, you know that I just had to say yes! As a Julep VIP Blogger I get to offer you guys Julep Giveaways and discount codes! Yay!!!

So, lets start out with a contest! Julep is offering not only one Julep Maven Intro Box to my winner. but also a discount code for all of my readers! My prize winner will get to choose one Maven Box from this assortment.

I got to preview on of the winning prize boxes so that I could tell you about it! I decided upon the Classic with a Twist box (pictured below): Keep reading after the page break to find out more about what was inside this box!

How does the Julep Maven monthly beauty box subscription work?
The great thing about this subscription is that you get to pick your box!!! Julep pre-selects a box for you based on your beauty style profile. You get a monthly email with the box selection. You simply opt for the box pre-selected for you based on your current style profile or you can choose a different box. It is as easy as that! 

With Julep, you can skip a month! If you can't find a box that you like or if you just don't feel like spending the $20.00 for a particular month, then you can opt to skip the month.
  • Subscriptions are $20.00 per month (but remember you can skip a month if you need to).
  • You get to choose your box! They have a great assortment every month.
  • Each box contains 2 full-sized Julep Nail Polishes plus one Julep Spa full sized product (either skincare, body care, or makeup). Also, there is always one box that has 3-full sized Nail Polishes and no Julep spa product. Plus, the box usually has some cute "extra" or gift like a foot file, toe spacers, a reusable shopping bag, a makeup bag. The extras are nice quality too!
  • Box Value: The value of the box far exceeds the $20.00 cost! The nail polish normally retails for $15.00 a bottle and the product prices range from $14.00-$38.00. So the box value is usually around $60.00 (for a $20.00 price!).
  • Ready to subscribe? Here is my referral link: Subscribe to Julep Don't forget to enter my discount code at checkout (discount code is after the page break!)
  • Feel like shopping? As a Maven you get 20% off all products in the online boutique plus free shipping!
  • You can earn credits for referrals!
To preview the Classic with a Twist prize box and enter the Giveaway, keep reading!
After much debate, I decided upon the "Classic with a Twist" box. It was hard to pick! I would have been happy with any of the selections. For my monthly box, it seems that I usually end up with either Boho Glam or American Beauty. However, this time the Classic box tempted me!

What is Inside the "Classic with a Twist" box? Box Opening:
You open the box to find your welcome card and some information about your products. Julep always packages their boxes beautifully and with style.
In the Box:
  • Julep Nail Lacquer in Rose: A beautiful red creme polish. Definitely a "classic"! OMG ya'll! This has to be the prettiest red polish that I own. It really is a total classic perfect red. I think that every woman should have a true red polish in their collection. I am thrilled with this! 
 Here is my Rose manicure.  What a beautiful red!!!
I get great coverage with about 2 coats. 
The shine is incredible and I get average wear (about 3 days). 
Sorry for the messy cuticles! I am always in a mad rush with my manicures these 
days with a baby in the house (I know...excuses, excuses!).
  • Julep Nail Lacquer in Kate: A shimmery white polish. I really am a huge fan of white polish. I know that I will wear this one frequently. So pretty!
  • The Best Pedi Creme Ever: OMG! I am so excited! This Pedi Creme by Julep is one of my favorites!!! I got this in one of my previous monthly boxes (In addition to being a Julep VIP Blogger, I am also a happy Julep subscriber too!) and I am almost out. So, I am thrilled to have another. This product has such a light and fresh scent. I keep this in my bedside drawer to apply to my feet every night at bedtime. I love that it is hydrating without being greasy like a lot of foot creams. This Pedi Creme contains AHAs as well as moisturizers. So, it exfoliates while it hydrates! I find that it really softens my foot callouses and improves the appearance of my feet.
  • Julep always includes an "extra": This time the extra is a cute little reusable Julep shopping bag/tote (not a huge shopping bag like for the grocery store, but a mini one). The bag is durable and made out of a coated nylon-like fabric. Quite sturdy! I am thinking this bag will be great for beauty shopping trips to Ulta or Sallys. The perfect size! I will for sure be using this bag.
I am just thrilled with my box! The polish assortment is lovely and the Pedi Creme is already one of my favorite Julep Spa products. The shopping bag is cute too!

Discount Code:
Ready to sign up for Julep? Be sure to use my Discount Code: PAMMYBLOGSBEAUTY

The Giveaway:

The Prize: One winner will select one Julep Maven Intro Box.

The Rules:
  • USA only!
  • You must be 18 years old to enter (or have your parents permission).
  • Prize is shipped directly to winner by Julep. Pammy Blogs Beauty is not responsible for items lost or damaged in mail/transit. Prize fulfillment is through Julep. Prize is not redeemable for cash.
  • To enter the contest, you must fill out Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter. In the event of technical error, Pammy Blogs Beauty reserves the right to pick the winner. Pammy Blogs Beauty will verify entries as needed and will disqualify individuals with multiple entries or who have falsified information on the form.
  • Only one entry per person. With that said, you may earn extra entries by tweeting, liking on facebook, etc on the Rafflecopter form.
  •  Contest is void where prohibited by law. 
  • Contest runs from Oct 9th-Nov 2nd 2012. Winner has 48 hours to respond to winning announcement or a new winner will be selected.

To Enter the Contest (required rules):

1. Please see the rules listed above.

2. You must be a follower/Subscriber of this blog in at least one way to enter. You have multiple ways to follow this blog: e-mail subscription, Google Friend Connect, facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Google+, BlogLovin, and Hello Cotton. The more ways in which you follow this blog...the more chances that you have to win!

3. Fill out Rafflecopter form below.

4. Answer question in comment form below: "What Julep style most appeals to you?"

5. You must Follow Pammy Blogs Beauty on Facebook.

For extra entries:
  • You can follow this blog in numerous ways: Google Friend Connect, twitter, Pinterest, Google+, BlogLovin, and Hello Cotton.
  • You can tweet about this giveaway (one time per day max please!). Please include a link back to this giveaway and @pammyblogbeauty@JulepMaven
  • Do a Blog Post about this giveaway (must include a link back to this giveaway and giveaway photo/art)
Thanks for reading! Good luck if you are entering the contest! If you are signing up for a Julep Maven subscription, don't forget to use the discount code: PAMMYBLOGSBEAUTY

Prize fulfillment through Julep.
Referral links in post.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I pick boho Glam normally.

Melanie Stewart said...

I normally like It Girl but it really varies by month.

Nails Love Polish said...

Normal Boho Glam...this one is so pretty! Ty!

Chelsea W said...

Boho Glam

Martha Hokenson said...

Julep ROCKS! Their polishes are so glossy and very worth the price.

Martha Hokenson said...

I think my style is really Boho Glam, but all of the boxes are pretty. Julep does a great job packaging up the colors to reflect the different "personalities".

jax said...

I think It Girl Maven appeals to me most.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this one <3

CosmeticCrazy said...

IT Girl

Stephanie said...

I guess a little classic/ boho glam,

Edna Maldonado said...


Jay B said...

Definitely Boho Glam!

Anonymous said...

Classic With A Twist


Liz said...

The Bombshell colors appeal to me.

Perseph0ne said...

I like the Classic with a Twist.

ddpanda said...

I like so many of them, but I think Classic with a Twist is awesome!

BeautyScraps said...

I usually like American Beauty best. Thanks for the giveaway!

Miskate said...

I usually go for It Girl, but it varies from month to month based on the colors available.

Colleen Boudreau said...

Boho Glam.

evie said...

classic with a twist

Ann said...

I'm surprised more people don't like Bombshell assortment! It's lovely.

Stephanie said...

Classic with a twist

tori3645 said...

I like the it girl style. When it comes to polish I love bright bold colors.

Anonymous said...

I took the quiz and I got Bombshell - I love it!

Unknown said...

It Girl bc it has the latest trends!!

Unknown said...


Tina B. said...

Boho Glam for sure!

Tina Renee Barker
treneebarker at hotmail dot com

engineergirl said...

American beauty!

Polished & Glittered said...

BoHo Glam, but it varies from month to month :D

The Nail Files said...


onehotrobot said...

Boho Glam!

Unknown said...

It Girl or Bombshell! I usually like wild colors!

Patricia Sanchez said...

Boho Glam :) said...


HurricaneBubbles said...

Boho Glam though I'd be excited with whatever I got!

Jodi said...

I think It Girl describes me best, but I think it would depend on what color choices there were each month! Thanks so much!

Kim Wi said...

Classic with a Twist is my FAV! Soooo Pretty! :)

Unknown said...

Gayle appeals to me the most.

Unknown said...

Not sure as i have not subscribed but I have seen different boxes I liked. Maybe it girl.

Running In Boise said...

The red looks so shiny!

Erin N said...

boho glam! thanks for the giveaway :)

Elisabeth said...

Boho Glam!

Unknown said...

Like the concept of It Girl more (no products, all polishes), but I'm not too sold on the colors in the intro It Girl box! I'd prefer the American beauty intro box! :)

Jamie W. said...

American Beauty is more my style but I tend to like the Boho colors more :)

Anonymous said...

My style is definitely a toss up between American Beauty and Classic with a Twist! :D

Unknown said...

boho glam!

Janay said...

classic with a twist

Cecilia said...

Normally I am a boho glam but occasionally I do switch to Classic with a Twist.

Unknown said...

I am boho glam but do like it girl too

Bonnie C. said...


Lieschen said...

boho glam!
and i follow on GFC, just ask me for my name + i tell you privately :)

Unknown said...

love american beauty :)

hope i win xx

Anonymous said...

I normally like It Girl
vanessa martinez

Juana Gavi said...

it girl

Linnie said...

Interestingly, when I took the quiz, I'm classic with a twist, but looking over the choices, I prefer bombshell.

LilyBiscuit said...

My quiz result was Bombshell....I wish I was :) I do like the colors though, so maybe there's hope for me yet :)
vac 924 at gmail dot com

Icymilktea said...

I'm classic with a twist!

Elly said...

it girl :)

Unknown said...

I absolutely adore Boho Glam!

chasadielynn said...

My style is "American Beauty" but the past few months I have either went with "It Girl" or "Classic With A Twist."

Mitchie said...

boho glam!
irinasas at

ayyelucille said...

Charlotte BoHo Glam is my favorite!!

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...


ohraq said...

boho glam!

Anonymous said...

Classic with a Twist. I like the white.

Keely B said...

I like the American Beauty style

Holly S. said...

I would say CLASSIC WITH A TWIST fits me best. Thanks!

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