Pammy Blogs Beauty: Makeup Wars: Holiday Beauty Wishlist!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Makeup Wars: Holiday Beauty Wishlist!!!

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It is time for another Makeup War!!! This week's Makeup Wars post is pure fun and fantasy: it is my Makeup Holiday Wishlist! I have not tried any of these items. These are simply the makeup items that I am lusting after. The items that I am wishing Santa will put in my stocking. Some of these have been around while, some are new, and some are LE Holiday items. Reguardless, I want 'em! ;) 

What are Makeup Wars?
Before sharing my Holiday Wishlist, let me share a little bit about the idea behind Makeup Wars. The Makeup Wars Bloggers are a group of top beauty bloggers that publish coordinated bi-weekly posts. The Makeup Wars bloggers collectively pick topics to blog about (e.g., Top 10 Products, Beauty Pampering, etc). We publish our posts at precisely the same time and link up through the graphic links and thumbnails at the bottom of our posts. Be sure to click through the thumbnail links at the bottom of this post to read through everyone's posts! :)
My Holiday 2013 Beauty Wishlist:
  • Conair Infiniti Pro Curl Secret: I am so intrigued by this unique hair tool! Somehow it magically sucks in your hair and spits out a perfect curl. It both frightens me and excites me at the same time. It is pricey at $99.00. However, if it works as well as it promises, then the price would be well worth it! 
  • LORAC Pro Palette: I honestly can't believe that I don't own this palette yet! I love that it features a full range of neutral shades from light to dark in both matte and shimmer finishes. A great deal for $42.00. 
  • Urban Decay Naked Basics: I can't believe that I don't own this yet either! A neutral lovers dream palette! I need this! :) Seriously, at $27.00, I should just head out and buy this one now. 
  • Hayworth Lingerie Chest by Pier 1: First of all, I am obsessed with Pier 1 furniture and home decor. We just moved into a new house 3 months ago and I am slowly filling it up with Pier 1 furniture and accessories! My husband just surprised me with the Hayworth Vanity a couple weeks ago! He knew it was on my wishlist for ages. What a guy!!! ;) Well, now I want the Hayworth Lingerie Chest for my makeup storage. I am actually planning on splurging on this for my "Christmas Gift for Myself" this year!!! I can't wait! I am going to sit this right next to my vanity to store all my makeup. My makeup is currently in my closet and I hate walking back and forth to my vanity table (and I don't want to sit my IKEA Alex next to a mirrored just wouldn't look right). I am hoping to downsize my makeup collection, too. If it doesn't fit into this chest, then I am not keeping it. 
  • Glam Glow Gift Set or Glam Glow Mask: I hear that this Glam Glow mask is totally amazeballs. At typically $69 for a tub, I think that the gift set that Sephora is offering is a great price (and you get to try more from the line). I am seriously dying to try this!
  • BeneFit Rockateur Blush: I adore BeneFit's blushes. I have a bit of a collection and I am dying to add this! I hear that it looks beautiful on. Plus, BeneFit blushes always smell amazing.
So, that is it! My Holiday 2013 Beauty Wishlist!!! I know that I am forgetting a million things. I mean, seriously, as soon as I publish this I will smack my head because I will think of more things. :) However, the list must end somewhere, right?

What do you all want for the beauty-wise for the Holidays? Have you tried any of my wishlist items? If so, I would love to hear how you like these things!!! :)

Happy Holidays!!!

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Be sure to click on the thumbnails below to see my fellow Makeup Wars blogger's Holiday 2013 Wishlists!!!


Brooke @ Blushing Noir said...

That Conair is AMAZING

Teri - BeautifulMakeupSearch said...

Loving that lingerie chest! I really want that LORAC Pro Palette too! Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

Great choices! I have now added the same Pier 1 chest of drawers to my wish list ;)

Pink Sith said...

I too want the UD Naked Palette you listed. I think it's a must have, but I don't know if I can get myself psyched about matte shadows! LOL. I tried the Glam Glow mask in the white container & was not impressed. It's a lot of pseudo science gobbeldygook as far as the ingredients goes. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I've been looking at lingerie chests for makeup storage too. That one is beautiful. Love Pier 1!

Kelly said...

You will love the LORAC palette and the Too Faced Blush. The Glam Glow mud is great too!!

All Lacquered Up said...

Your wish list reminded me that I want to ask for an IKEA Alex for Christmas. I can't justify the cost myself but if someone gifts it to me, well...

Chantel said...

Awesome products. I want that Naked palette.

B said...

You SO need the Naked Basics palette. I thought it was all hype but noooo, it's such a necessity.

jbrobeck said...

I absolutely love your list! I have had my eye on the Pier 1 Hayworth collection forever, but unfortunately I am pretty committed to the IKEA thing I have going on. I *just* finally bought that TF Blush in a gift set from Sephora, love it! And I don't own Rockateur or the Pro palette either, I should have put them on my list!

Unknown said...

@BlushingNoir-Oh cool!!! Glad to hear a positive review of the Conair from you! :)

@Teri-Happy Holidays to your, too! Yes, isn't that lingerie chest beautiful! :)

@Kristie-Thank you! :) Here is to hoping we both get those chests soon!

@Elvira-lol, me too! I love me some shimmer shadows...that is probably what has held me back from the UD Naked Basics so far. I need to just bite the bullet and get it! Thanks for your feedback on the mask, too!

@Christa-Lingerie chests do seem perfect for makeup storage. I want something that looks elegant. :) Love Pier 1, too! :)

@Kelly Gould-So glad to hear such postive reviews from you for these items! :) I seriously want everything!

@AllLacquredUp-I hear ya! I have such a hard time spending money on myself, too!

@Chantel-Thanks! Yes, that Naked palette seems like a good makeup staple for anyone!

@B-Ooooh! You are sooo talking me into it! I hear nothing but great things!

@Jessika-OOooh! Glad to hear you love that TF blush. It looks soooo pretty! Yes, I never got fully committed to the IKEA storage system...If I had, it would be harder to switch gears. I love the elegant look of the Hayworth collection. :)

xoxo and Happy Holidays to Everyone!!!

Prime Beauty said...

I love the Hayworth furniture--the bedroom set has been on my list for a long time! You'll love the LORAC Pro palette-it's about time!

mynewestaddiction said...

I forgot that I wanted the GlamGlow! Great list of stuff! :D The LORAC Pro palette is awesome!

MarciaF said...

I've never seen that Pier One chest but it looks fabulous. We used to have 2 stores nearby but they closed and I don't know where any others are. I don't have $500 anyway but I'd love to own that.
Lorac Pro is fabulous. I use that a lot more than UD Basics.

Unknown said...

@PrimeBeauty-lol, I know...I am going to be soooo late to the party on that LORAC Pro Palette. It really has been on my wishlist for a long time! :)

@Laura-Thank You! :) I wanting that LORAC Pro! Let me know if you end up trying the GlamGlow!

@Marcia-Same here! The Pier 1 by where I used to live closed and I kinda forgot all about the store. Now, with our recent move, we are right by a Pier 1 and I go all the time now and am obsessed! :) The furniture and decor is really unique and beautiful! :)

Unknown said...

I've been obsessed w/ the Hayworth collection for years. I was THIS close to splurging on the vanity set but I found a really great knock off of the table on Amazon and I actually posted about it today on my blog which is a weird coinkydink! :)

I would LOVE the jewelry chest though and then of course the lingerie chest. Sigh...

Unknown said...

@GlossyGlamblog-Ooooh! I am going to have to go scope out Amazon to see...

Unknown said...

stick with the sephora set instead of the youth mud on its own. the supermud is great but the youth mud isn't all that and has a really powerful powdered detergent scent that i really can't stand!

i'm totally fascinated by the curl secret too but sadly just recently bought a new curling wand set.

Raging Rouge said...

Wow! This is one comprehensive list! I love all of your choices, especially the storage options!

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