Have you tried Magnetic polish yet? So fun!!! Until now, the only magnetic polishes that I had tried are Layla's and Julep's versions (which I totally love). Well, now just about every major polish brand is starting to feature magnetic polish!
For this NOTD, I used
China Glazes Magnetix Nail Lacquer in the shade #1104 Cling On (<--anyone else lol'ing at the name??? wink!) Wow!!! What a beautiful shade!!! I am always blown away when I get a new polish and I literally do not have a single other polish in my 200+ bottle collection that looks anything like it! The shade is a soft light sparkly mossy green the magnet effect creates a darker green shade over the light mossy green base. Very pretty indeed! Especially with green being the
Color of the Year for 2013 (no, it is not emerald green...but, still!)!
Unlike the Layla Magnetic polish (with the magnet on the cap), you need to purchase a separate magnet for the China Glaze Magnetix Polishes. Both the polish and the magnet came from
Big Daddy Beauty (this site has some really great prices: The polish retails for $3.99 and the Magnet for $3.49!).
China Glaze Nail Lacquer magnet is a plastic u-shaped tool with 3 magnets on the back. Each magnet makes a different design. I like that the magnet is actually separate from the bottle of polish (versus being on the cap). Also, I like that it gives you a variety of three designs for the magnetic effect; but, I really only liked the diagonal and the star patterns. Also, I found the magnet to be a bit difficult to use. Somehow, I just could not get the pointed pattern to look right. Oh well! Maybe more practice will help. It is really fun to alternate patterns on each nail. The only other downside to the u-shaped magnet tool is that you can't really see where the magnet is. So, I find myself looking underneath while hovering it over my nail to make sure that I a) don't accidentally touch it to the wet polish and b) get the magnet in the right place. Again, I know that more practice will help! It is just a bit awkward to hold. I actually smudged a nail for this NOTD and had to re-do it because I ended up getting the magnet too close.

Here is my Instagram picture of my nails! :) Do you follow me on Instagram yet? I am just starting to get into it and it is soooo fun! :) Please follow me:
What do you think of Magnetic Polishes? Is this a trend that you are jumping on board with? It seem as if magnetic effect polishes are here to stay! :) Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more NOTD Nail FILES features coming soon!
That is a gorgeous nail polish.
Thanks Chantel!
I never could get into the magnetic craze! :(
I absolutely LOVE magnetic polishes. They get a bad rap because it takes a little patience , but I love the effect. I've even done my daughters nails with the magnetic polishes.
@Virginia-Agreed! They are so fun!!! :)
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