See which crazy beauty tips are actually true and which are beauty folklore |
We hear tons of weird DIY beauty tips that have been passed down from our friends, mothers, etc. But, hearing so much advice leaves us wondering: Do these wacky beauty tips actually work? We asked experts to find out. |

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I use the toothpaste over night on zits trick! :)
I was afraid this was an April Fool's joke.. but there are actually some good tips here! The black tea to help cure sunburns one is particularly interesting.
Also, someone actually asked if urine would clear up acne?!?!
@Justine-Yes! I have done the toothpaste trick too! Not in recent years, but it does seem to help! :)
@eighteighteight-LOL, seriously, I know! But, yes there are some useful tips! The urine one totally grossed me out though!
I've used toothpaste on my zits and it totally works, ha ha! I've also had to use toothpaste on my teeth without a brush for drastic measures but I know that's not really a beauty trick, lol.
I'm a new follower and found you from a mutual blogger friend on Twitter! I'm oceandreams4u.
I'm having a fab giveaway if you have chance to stop by - it's a flat iron, beauty products, and a discount code for 70% off of their store! he he too much fun. Enjoy your weekend!
@OceanDreams-Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) Yes, the toothpaste sure is handy, lol! :)
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