Pammy Blogs Beauty: "Fashioned in Finland" giveaway!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Fashioned in Finland" giveaway!!!

Good morning fellow beauty lovers! I have another link for you for a November giveaway from "Fashioned in Finland"! Head on over there to enter the giveaway and check out another great blog!

Here are the giveaway items (I don't know about ya'll...but, I have always wanted to try a Sleek palette...maybe its because we can't get them over here?). Some great items!

Good luck my lovelies!!! 


Shaylee Anne said...

I think I find out about all the giveaways I enter from your blog haha! Thanks for the posts, I love them! :)

Unknown said...

Snaylee Anne: ha ha! :) Great!!! I love a good almost ready to do my first one...went shopping for the stuff today!

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