Pammy Blogs Beauty: Upcoming book release: Torment by Lauren Kate

Monday, September 20, 2010

Upcoming book release: Torment by Lauren Kate

I am so excited about this upcoming book release. I am a self-proclaimed "dork" when it comes to supernatural fantasy fiction! I just can't seem to get enough of this genre. What can I say, I blame growing up on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (which is still, IMHO, the best vampire series! Although, I do *heart* Vampire Diaries -swoon for Stephan!, Twilight, and True Blood!). Okay, I digress...I read Fallen a few months ago...and there was such a cliff-hanger, that I have literally had my iCal marked for the upcoming release of Torment on 9/28!!! As you can see below, I was drawn in by the cool cover art...but, beauty is not only cover-deep for this story. What a compelling and interesting read. And, certainly not what you prepared for some twists and being left with open-ended questions....this is not your typical vampire story, but something entirely will be guessing...

Here is the cover art for her new book...hard to resist those fantastic dresses, right?!?! I don't want to say too I don't want to post spoilers to Fallen...but, just know that I *can't wait* to read Torment.

Here is a link to Barnes and Noble for those of you who like to
order online. For me...I love browsing the actual store. :)
There is nothing like getting home with a fresh new book that you can just
lose yourself in for a few hours. Blissful!

I only have one promise to myself before I go out and buy this book...I MUST finish reading the Millennium series, by Steig Larsson (The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) before I buy my next book! The Millennium series is *fantastic* literature that I have read in a long time, but way outside my usual genre. I will post my thoughts on that series as soon as I am finished. I am also in the process of viewing the Swedish be on the lookout for upcoming posts! Definitely an intellectual read...compelling and dark.

You can find the Steig Larsson series here :

Getting off my Steig Larsson guys must check out the Fallen and Torment books by Lauren Kate!



Anonymous said...

Pammy- Have you read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? I am a huge Fallen fan as well and those books are amazing, as well as Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. They are teen adult which for some reason, I tend to really like since they are fast reads. Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Hi Cate, and thanks! :) No, I have not read The Hunger Games, but will for sure at it to my ever-growing list of books I want to read! Thanks for the rec. I *LOVE* the Vampire Academy series!!! I absolutely can't wait for the next one to come out already (I believe the next one out will be the final book in the series?)!!! Yes, for some reason I am into this teen/adult fantasy genre as well (and great to have a short read that you can devour in one long Sunday). You should check out the Night World short stories too...those are good!

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