Pammy Blogs Beauty: The Body Shop Beauty Product Advent Calendars and Interactive Online Calendar

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Body Shop Beauty Product Advent Calendars and Interactive Online Calendar

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The countdown to Christmas is on!!! The Body Shop has some super cute Beauty Product Advent Calendars including the Body Shop 24 Days of the Enchanted Advent Calandar that I got to try out and a Countdown to Christmas Interactive Calendar on the Body Shop's website that gives you a tip each day as you count down to Christmas! 

I am super excited that The Body Shop reached out to me to provide a beauty tip for their online calendar. I have literally been a fan of the Body Shop for years! From awesome bath and body products, to beautiful makeup, and fantastic skincare, the Body Shop has it all for head-to-toe beauty! 

Advent Calendars:
I adore the Christmas Season. Ever since I was a child, I have had the tradition of doing Advent Caldendars. Advent Calanders are a fun and exciting way to count down to Christmas Day. Plus, they give great daily reminders for grattitude, thankfulness, and (if you celebrate Christmas religiously) are a great addition to your daily Advent devotions. I have the kids' chocolate Advent Calendars all ready, and now I have my Body Shop 24 Days of the Enchanted Advent Calendar ready for December!!! 

If you are not familiar with Advent Calendars, basically you coordinate them with the December Calendar. You start on December 1st and you open one door a day leading up to Christmas Day. Inside each door of the Body Shop's 24 Days of the Enchanted Advent Calendar is a travel sized beauty treat! It is literally like a little present every day. So fun!!!

These Advent Calendars are a fun treat for yourself, or a super fun gift (that keeps giving for days) for a friend or loved one. The Body Shop has 3 Advent Calendars, Advent, Deluxe Advent, and Ultimate Advent this year at three price points: $70, $110, and $225. I got to try out the cute $70 purple one. It is fantastic!!! 

I started opening up the calendar to preview it for you guys. So, I opened 8 doors just to take a peek at what is inside. However, I left the rest of the doors closed as I plan on opening a door of the calendar each day and I want to surprise myself! ;) If you are really dying to know what is inside when you get the calendar, the contents are listed in fine print on the back of the box. 

My tip was inspired by the Almond Hand & Nail Manicure Cream:
During the busy Holiday Season, life gets so hectic! It is important to take some time to pamper yourself. However, we are often struggling to find that time, right? Sometimes even a moment of self pampering and mindfulness can recharge you for your busy schedule ahead. So, I have a great tip for you and you can build it right into your nighttime routine. Put your favorite hand cream or moisturizer right next to your alarm clock on your nightstand. Before you set your alarm for the morning, grab your cream and apply to your dry hands, cuticles, elbows, ect. Enjoy your moment of self-care and go to sleep knowing you will wake up with softer skin! Right now I have the cute little Almond Hand & Nail Manicure Cream from The Body Shop's 24 Days of the Enchanted Advent Calendar on my nightstand. I just love it! 

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