Pammy Blogs Beauty: NewBeauty Magazine and the Beauty TestTube Sampling Program

Monday, March 28, 2011

NewBeauty Magazine and the Beauty TestTube Sampling Program

Hello my lovely readers!

Any other magazine junkies out there? What can I say, I *heart* magazines and subscribe to many. The ultimate relaxation for me is lounging with a great magazine and just pouring thorugh the pages. There is nothing like the excitement of getting a fresh new magazine in the mail amongst your pile of bills. Well, just imagine if your new magazine was shipped to you with a package included of deluxe samples of products mentioned in the magazine??? Yes, I bet I got your attention! If you are ready to take your magazine reading and product sampling to the next level, then you are going to love hearing about this!!!

Are ya'll familiar with NewBeauty Magazine or their amazing Beauty TestTube Sampling Program? All I can say is, "Wow"!!! Really, how has this magazine been under my radar? Its hard to believe that I am just now discovering it. I mean, its a magazine devoted to "all things beauty". Talk about right up my alley! I feel that this magazine was custom designed for beauty and product enthusiasts like myself! I mean, really, I am totally enjoying this magazine!

If you want to hear more about NewBeauty Magazine and the Beauty TestTube sampling program, please keep reading after the jump! I can't wait for you guys to see the TestTube that I got (photos, video, etc are after the jump)!!!

NewBeauty Magazine:

First, lets talk about this amazing magazine! NewBeauty Magazine is a quarterly magazine choc-full of all things beauty. I know, you are thinking, quarterly? But, let me tell ya ladies, this is a super-thick magazine. So, you will get plenty of content. The magazine is well laid out and it is enjoyable to flip through the pages. I devoured my first reading of NewBeauty in one sitting! LOL, but, I do tend to do that with magazines (but only the good ones!). ;)

In addition to general beauty tips and product recommendations (the product recommendations are embedded throughout each issue within the magazine content), you are also going to get great articles on Health & Beauty, Best Beauty products list, makeup application tips, stress-relief tips, and more!

As a self-directed student of beauty, I really feel like I am "learning" while reading NewBeauty Magazine! NewBeauty wants to inform its readers. This magazine is a great resource for healthy living articles, articles answering your beauty questions, and detailed information about product ingredients. Let's face it, there are so many new developments in the beauty industry. So, its nice to have a good magazine resource to reach for to learn about exciting new products and innovations!

What really stood out? The magazine features "real women" and not just models! I mean, lets face it, as a generation that grew up reading fashion and beauty magazines, is our view of beauty skewed? We need magazines with images of every-day "real woman" beauty! Not that I am saying that models aren't "real"; I think we should seek out beauty imgages in all forms! I applaude NewBeauty for recognizing this and including true beauties from all walks of life! Okay, I digress, back to the magazine and Beauty TestTube Sampling Program.

The Beauty TestTube Sampling Program:

Okay, now on to the truly unique part...the Beauty TestTube Sampling Program! What is a Beauty TestTube you say? Well, it is a *sizeable* "tube" package filled with deluxe beauty samples. The samples in the tube are all products that are mentioned in the correstponding quarterly NewBeauty issue. The magazine and TestTube will be shipped to you together in one big pink box! Talk about taking product sampling to the next level! You actually get to test out some of the products while you read about them! Plus, the big huge pink box is pretty darn cute sitting on your doorstep! I know I was very excited when mine arrived!

So, the skinny:
  • The NewBeauty TestTube program is $29.95 (plus shipping) per quarter. There are 4 quarterly boxes that get shipped to you *with* a Beatuy TestTube. The issues run: Winter/Spring, Spring/Summer, Summer/Fall, and Fall/Winter. Yes, $29/95 is a bit pricey, but you get a TON of samples (and a gift card) plus a magazine. The value of the samples and magazine certainly outweighs the cost.
  • If you want to subscribe to just the magazine, the cost is $29.95 per year for the 4 quarterly issues.

So, I know you are wondering...what arrived in my TestTube? Well, here is a listing of what I got. As I mentioned, these are "large" delux samples! 

  • Bioelements Quick Refiner
  • Lumene Sensitive Touch Cleansing Wipes
  • SpaLook $20 giftcard (on purchases of $100 or more)
  • Pevonia Botanica Power Repair Cream
  • Supersmile Toothbrush (yes, lol, a toothbrush! But, NewBeauty focuses on Health & Beauty!)
  • Kerstin Florian Rehydrating Cleansing Mik
  • Beauty Society Youth Accelerator
  • Smashbox Photo Finish Primer (Yay!!! I already have and love this product, so I am thrilled for a travel sized one!)
  • Lash Food Eyelash conditioner
  • Mally Volumizing Mascara
  • Ahava Dermud Body Cream
  • Ahava Dermud Foot Cream
  • Slice Life Gummy Vitamins for Adults (again with the health focus, like it! This appears to be a full-sized bottle)
  • Dr. Denise HydroShield Ultra Moisturizing Face Serum
  • John Frieda Root Awakening Smoothing Lotion (I have been wanting to try this!)
  • Jane Iredale Tantasia 

Also, I just had to include a TestTube Opening YouTube Video! I hope you enjoy watching!!! :) If you haven't had a chance already, please be sure to subscribe to my  Pammy Blogs Beauty YouTube Channel!

In addition to the quarterly TestTube, NewBeauty also partners occasionally with QVC for a special-edition QVC TestTube! The last time they offered this, 24,000 TestTubes sold out in one day! So, don't miss out on the next QVC NewBeauty TestTube which becomes available on April 2nd!!!

If you can't tell already, I really love NewBeauty Magazine and the Beauty TestTube program!!! I am having so much fun reading the magazines and trying out these new products! Let me know if there is anything in particular that wsa included in the TestTube that you would like to see reviewed or would like more information about! :)

Also, be sure to check out the NewBeauty website! They have a great tons of resources for face, hair, body, skin, and your smile. Plus a beauty glossary, a guide to salons and spas, links for cosmetic procedures in your own area, and a beauty blog too! :)

As always, thanks for reading and viewing!!!
XOXO and stay beautiful!



Azhezha said...

waow.. thats a huge sample dear, many stuff there..

Unknown said...

@Sarah-Yes, the sample container is *huge*! TONS of products! A good deal for sure! :)

tiffyama said...

Oooh such awesome goodies!! This seems like a great deal. :]

BeautyByKrystal said...

I'm signing up!! :)

Unknown said...

@tiffyama-Yes, so fun! The cost of the subscription is certainly worth the value of these goodies! :)

@Krystal-Great! :) I hope you enjoy it! I loved getting this package in the mail. Fun!!!

Heather said...

That's so exciting! I buy the magazine already, I need to sub to it and get the test tube too!

Thanks for sharing everything looks awesome!

Tracy D said...

Hey Pammy, do you know if this is available in Canada? I've tried to check on the site and can't figure it out without signing up. Thanks!

Unknown said...

@Mrs.Makeup-Isnt the magazine great! I love it! :) You are welcome! :)

@Tracy-Let me check on that for you Tracy! I will let you know if I hear anything! xoxo!

Unknown said...

Hey Tracy-No, unfortunately the Beauty TestTube is available for the US only right now. But, the subscription is available in Canada for the magazine only. Sorry!

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